7 Solid Reasons Coal Should Never be King Again in Alberta



Nothing makes these two chicks squawk louder than manipulative, short-sighted men with power selling off stuff that isn’t theirs and telling people that the little bit of money that will find its way to them is worth trading away their air, water, soil and health – and that of the next generation and the one after that (should there be one). Damn, we’re mad.
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]In the category of incompetent governments falling back on a 19th century industry in the 21st century, we have Alberta Premier Jason Kenney aligning himself with coal companies, inviting them to set up open-pit coal mines in formerly protected areas across the province. You think we’re kidding? Check this out.[/speech_bubble]
Continue reading 7 Solid Reasons Coal Should Never be King Again in Alberta

Training Your Mind

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]Been thinking about trains a lot lately … [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]It’s hard not to, right? They’re all over the news these days. And then of course there’s the fact that you just took an epic cross-country trip by train.[/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]Right – and what I’ve been thinking about is how those two things are connected. A week ago, I was touting that trip as a surprisingly entertaining experiment in lessening my carbon footprint, and talking about how government types should take the train once in a while rather than flying, to connect better with Canadians and the places where we live. I mean, you really get a grasp of the country when you spend 60+ hours winding through trees and rocks and prairies. And you really get a grasp of where people come from when you spend 60+ hours with them in coach. [/speech_bubble]
Continue reading Training Your Mind

20-20 Visions

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]Did you know I starred as The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Be in our grade 7 interpretation of A Christmas Carol? Fun fact. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]You don’t say. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]Yup. I think it was pretty well received, from all accounts. [/speech_bubble]
Continue reading 20-20 Visions

Just do it

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]Special PSA from the Chicks. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]I vote to honour the women – and men – who fought for my right to participate in democracy. Not to do so is a slap in their faces. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]I vote because it’s one of the few times I’m asked for my opinion. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]Whatever your reason … [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]… just vote already. [/speech_bubble]

Dimensional Shifts: Possible, or the Stuff of Dreams?

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]Status: currently binge watching The Man in the High Castle. It’s based on a Philip K. Dick novel. The premise is that the Nazis and Japan won WWII and partitioned the States. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]But there is a multiverse element to the story, in that certain people (Travellers) can pop between dimensions. So inter-dimensional travel is possible for some. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Pop? [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]More or less. So what do we think of this scenario? Possible?[/speech_bubble]
Continue reading Dimensional Shifts: Possible, or the Stuff of Dreams?

The World is Round. Isn’t It?

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]Watching a documentary on the Flat Earth Society [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Um … [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]Just because. And I learned I am considered heliocentric because I believe that the Earth is round. [/speech_bubble]

Continue reading The World is Round. Isn’t It?

Overlooked again, naturally

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]If you ask me, people are just not interested in talent anymore. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Because why? [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]So many of our generation are in career crisis. Particularly women. [/speech_bubble]

Continue reading Overlooked again, naturally

Top 10 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day!

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]Bast and Cooch here, with a special bloxt to get you ready for one of the most important days of the year. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] The Two Feisty Chicks’ Top 10 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day! [/speech_bubble]
Continue reading Top 10 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day!

Fun with “F” words

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Hey Bast! [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]Mmm-hmmm. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Have you ever noticed how many fun “f”-ing words there are? [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]Not sure where this is going … [/speech_bubble]

Continue reading Fun with “F” words