Dimensional Shifts: Possible, or the Stuff of Dreams?

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]Status: currently binge watching The Man in the High Castle. It’s based on a Philip K. Dick novel. The premise is that the Nazis and Japan won WWII and partitioned the States. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]But there is a multiverse element to the story, in that certain people (Travellers) can pop between dimensions. So inter-dimensional travel is possible for some. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Pop? [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]More or less. So what do we think of this scenario? Possible?[/speech_bubble]
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