Training Your Mind

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]Been thinking about trains a lot lately … [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]It’s hard not to, right? They’re all over the news these days. And then of course there’s the fact that you just took an epic cross-country trip by train.[/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]Right – and what I’ve been thinking about is how those two things are connected. A week ago, I was touting that trip as a surprisingly entertaining experiment in lessening my carbon footprint, and talking about how government types should take the train once in a while rather than flying, to connect better with Canadians and the places where we live. I mean, you really get a grasp of the country when you spend 60+ hours winding through trees and rocks and prairies. And you really get a grasp of where people come from when you spend 60+ hours with them in coach. [/speech_bubble]
Continue reading Training Your Mind

20-20 Visions

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]Did you know I starred as The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Be in our grade 7 interpretation of A Christmas Carol? Fun fact. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]You don’t say. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]Yup. I think it was pretty well received, from all accounts. [/speech_bubble]
Continue reading 20-20 Visions

Overlooked again, naturally

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]If you ask me, people are just not interested in talent anymore. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Because why? [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]So many of our generation are in career crisis. Particularly women. [/speech_bubble]

Continue reading Overlooked again, naturally

Grammar Rocks

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Today I saw this!

And this!

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] They caused me internal seething, and the thought that, although Lynne Truss did an admirable job calling people’s attention to the misuse of apostrophes, maybe it’s time for a refresher lesson? Surely there must be a way to get this very simple rule across to people. [/speech_bubble]
Continue reading Grammar Rocks

Situational Aboulomania (SA) and other ramblings

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]Coming to you today from behind a pile of paper that needs to be shredded but I can’t quite get around to shredding. I may be suffering from situational aboulomania. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Do tell. [/speech_bubble]

Continue reading Situational Aboulomania (SA) and other ramblings

Settled vs. Unsettled: Discuss

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]So I’m wondering about creativity and state of mind. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]You always hear about tortured artists, so do you need to feel anxious or depressed to be creative? Like van Gogh?? [/speech_bubble]

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Understanding how we tap into the creative force … so interesting. The word “unsettled” comes to mind for me. Which makes me wonder whether the creative force chooses people who are unsettled, or whether it is when people are unsettled that they are open to creative forces?[/speech_bubble]

Continue reading Settled vs. Unsettled: Discuss

Wisdom of the Female Elk

Some thoughts on evolution …

Articles we’re discussing in this bloxt:

Female elk become gun shy as they age, U of A research shows
Sperm counts among western men have halved in last 40 years – study

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]I just did CBC’s   “Demographic dance floor”  to find out where my family fits in the latest census data. Someone with our sense of humour designed this. Check it out. [/speech_bubble]

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]Besides the distractingly cute dancing “you” figure, they have links to songs you might want to play on YouTube, based on your stats. So this is me, and the song selection is Amy Winehouse, Tears Dry on their Own.

Continue reading Wisdom of the Female Elk

Activewear versus Shorts

Bast here again.

Cooch is still somewhere on the road in Canada and with questionable Wifi access, so I thought I’d post one of our recent debates on the merits (or not) of activewear and shorts, with appropriate embedded videos.


[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]I’ve just realized that very few women wear shorts anymore. It’s like a thousand degrees out and everyone’s in yoga pants.?[/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]Or capris. It’s because our legs age too…cellulite etc…[/speech_bubble]
Continue reading Activewear versus Shorts

How things start: The origins of Bloxting

How this whole entertainingly opinionated bloxt business began.

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]I’m thinking we should just put our daily texts online. It will be a new form of neverending narrative. Very postmodern.[/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ]I really like this idea. Really.[/speech_bubble]
Continue reading How things start: The origins of Bloxting