Fun with “F” words

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Hey Bast! [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]Mmm-hmmm. [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Have you ever noticed how many fun “f”-ing words there are? [/speech_bubble]
[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”a” icon=”bast” name=”Bast” ]Not sure where this is going … [/speech_bubble]

Continue reading Fun with “F” words

Grammar Rocks

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] Today I saw this!

And this!

[speech_bubble type=”ln” subtype=”b” icon=”cooch.jpg” name=”Cooch” ] They caused me internal seething, and the thought that, although Lynne Truss did an admirable job calling people’s attention to the misuse of apostrophes, maybe it’s time for a refresher lesson? Surely there must be a way to get this very simple rule across to people. [/speech_bubble]
Continue reading Grammar Rocks